Stand!ng up for what’s right can make things worse before they get >etter. Like when Moses went to Pharaoh and said it was time to let the people -go. I’m sure the enslaved Israelites were thrilled that someone was sticking up for them. But not for long. Pharaoh’s response was to make their slave labor a lot harder, and then the leaders go back to Moses and say, “May the Lord look on you and judge you!” But do you know this story? It gets a lot better. ~hen you decide to- do what is right life might not get better right away. It 1ight g~t worse. Telling your supervisor you’re not going to be-dishonest on y-our business reports anymore might lead to trouble at work. If you decide to start disciplining a child who you previously let do whatever they wanted, that’s going to be a nightmare for a while. You start doing Nhat is right-and things get worse. When that happens it’s your job to power through. Don’t fold! If Moses did that the Israelites would never have been free. Stay on the right path. It will get better.
Doug Wells Camden Avenue church of Christ Parkersburg, WV