Speaking the Truth in Love

Update from our Elders

UPDATE for Seagoville Church Members:

As the Covid-19 situation continues to change, we are striving to be faithful to God yet sympathetic to individual’s need for safe environments. The Shepherds are continuing to monitor the situation, and are making appropriate changes as we feel are necessary. We covet your prayers for us to make wise decisions during this unprecedented time.

The Shepherds do not classify our Sunday Morning worship as merely a “social gathering” (Gov. Abbot’s order #1), but more of a public service to “shepherd the flock of God” and to “be examples to the flock” (1 Peter 5:2-3). This places the church within a group not specifically addressed: “This executive order does not prohibit people from visiting a variety of places, including grocery stores, gas stations, parks, and banks, so long as the necessary precautions are maintained…” . Therefore, we intend to go forward with our plan for 3 morning services this Sunday as follows:

9:00 am for all members with Last Name beginning  A-H

10:00 am for all members with Last Name beginning  I-Q

11:00 am for all members with Last Name beginning  R-Z

However, as we realize there may be some members uncomfortable with meeting in more than family group size at this time, we have arranged to have the 10:00 am service live-streamed on our website. A BIG thanks goes to Blake Mayfield for his expertise and willingness to get this setup for us!! If you are interested in participating in this way, you can go to seagoville.org/live to view the live event streaming on the web. If you are unable to make the 10:00 live-stream, the recorded version will be accessible after its conclusion by going to the Seagoville.org home page, looking in the top-right, and clicking the “right-facing arrow” that is for our You-Tube presence.

Whether you decide to come join us at the building for one of the services or view the live-stream or recorded service, we want you to please God by worshipping Him in Spirit and Truth. If not attending the service at the building, please be sure you have arranged to have communion elements available and that you continue to “lay by in store” (1 Cor. 16:2) for when you are able to either drop it by the building or give at a later date.

We sincerely love every one of you! Stay safe, stay faithful to God. May the Lord Bless You and Keep You!

Your Shepherds (Steve, Monty, Larry)

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