Jonah ch 4 Vs 1 says “it displeased Jonah exceedingly and he became angry.” There is a moment here when the people repent and Jonah misses the point. But why?
We have studied Jonah ch. 1 where Jonah runs away from God. Ch. 2 we studied how Jonah repents and runs back to God. In ch. 3 we will see that Jonah runs with God.
After being in the belly of a large fish, Jonah runs back to God. What does repentance really look like?
We are all running, sometimes in our lives we run away from God. It may not be physical like Jonah tried to do, but it is always spiritual. Are you running from God? Is there something in your life that you are running from that God needs you to do, don’t run anymore.
Peter encourages the elders of the church to think like shepherds. What did he mean?
The Bible says that husbands should live with their wives in an understanding way (1 Pet. 3:7). But how is that possible? Most men find female behavior baffling.
The word “preacher” implies preaching. The word “elder” suggests spiritual maturity and leadership. But what does “deacon” mean?
The word “elder” is certainly biblical. But in the churches of Christ, has it become somewhat detached from the task God has called church leaders to perform?
Paul sums up the preacher’s task in just six words: “Do the work of an evangelist” (2 Tim. 4:5). A preacher has the responsibility and joy of bringing the good news to anyone and everyone who will listen