The Bible tells us that the peace of God stands guard over our hearts and minds through Jesus Christ (Phil. 4:7). What are the three ways that we experience God’s peace, and how do we receive it?
Elijah witnessed a great spiritual victory on Mount Carmel. But immediately afterward he was in the dumps and ready to give up his prophetic ministry. The Lord didn’t blame the prophet for his depressed feelings, but neither did he permit Elijah to wallow in self-pity (1 Kings 19:9-18).
Satan tells God that no one serves him for nothing. A God-worshiper is merely manipulating heaven, praising the Lord to keep the blessings coming. But Job’s beautiful faith argues otherwise (Job 1:20-22).
The oldest psalm in the biblical collection is a prayer written by Moses (Ps. 90:1-17). He soberly considers the brevity of life and asks God for wisdom to live his few years well.