The secret to lasting happiness isn’t much of a secret. Paul says, “Rejoice in the Lord” (Phil. 4:4). The hard part is believing what these words imply.
The secret to lasting happiness isn’t much of a secret. Paul says, “Rejoice in the Lord” (Phil. 4:4). The hard part is believing what these words imply.
Paul wrote Philippians with chained hands. And yet the letter is known for its many expressions of joy. How could Paul rejoice in prison? He wasn’t thinking about himself.
An epitaph is an inscription on a grave marker that conveys a message to bereaved loved ones and to coming generations. In his letter to Philippi, Paul makes a firm statement about his priorities and feelings that would grace the tombstone of any committed Christian (Phil. 1:21).
Paul’s circumstances were painful. He was a Roman prisoner for Christ. But he had a wonderful outlook on life. He even saw his imprisonment as a victory (Phil. 1:12-18).
Philippians is known as the “epistle of joy.” And it was written from prison. What’s the connection between joy and the thankfulness in his heart?
Researchers have carefully investigated the causes, symptoms, and treatments for depression. But what about happiness? University of Pennsylvania researcher Martin Seligman has identified the characteristics of happy people. Surprise, surprise — the Bible said it first.
We have a good number of words to describe the person who gets angry over nothing – hotheaded, hot-tempered, quick-tempered, short-tempered. Why isn’t there a word meaning long temper? Actually, there is. The word is “patience.”
In his dedication to Judaism, young Saul of Tarsus (later to become the apostle Paul) always did his best. He wanted to prove his moral and spiritual excellence to God. As a Christian he did his best for an entirely different reason (Tit. 3:12-15).
Why do so many healthy and prosperous people feel empty and discontented? Maybe they don’t understand that joy is God’s gift for those who yield to his leading (Phil. 4:4).
Slavery was commonplace in the first century, and many early disciples were converted slaves. Their new faith didn’t excuse them from giving faithful service. On the contrary, Paul urged the Christians in Crete to “show entire and true fidelity” (Tit. 2:10).