God the Father calls his children to be holy. But what is holiness? And why should we care?
God the Father calls his children to be holy. But what is holiness? And why should we care?
Solomon makes an important observation in Proverbs 14:4. No ox means a clean feeding trough and stall – but also no crop. What’s the point?
Jesus is known for saying things that seem all wrong at first glance. The concluding line of the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is an important example.
Satan enticed Eve with the prospect of becoming like God. Having the Lord’s power and wisdom is something everyone longs for, which explains the popularity of fantasy heroes. But actually becoming like God depends on our willingness to forgive.
As Jesus traveled toward Jerusalem, he met ten lepers. They begged him for healing, and he graciously honored their plea for mercy. But only one of them gave thanks (Luke 17:15-17). The others seemed to be trading one disease for another – leprosy for ingratitude.
The English word “love” is really sloppy. The meaning depends almost entirely on context. But the usual word for “love” in the New Testament is very precise – and challenging.
Joy is a gift of God, something he wants his people to have. But it’s also a choice, which is why the Bible tells us to “rejoice in the Lord” (Phil. 4:4).
It’s tempting to think that life is pointless. I’m just one person. Can I possibly make a difference in the world? In his parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus says an emphatic yes (Luke 10:25-37).
Dependability is a character quality that we all need and appreciate in others. But how do we find people who can be trusted? The Bible gives us a challenging answer.
In the 1960s, Americans decided that biblical morality was a sentence. All that Christian stuff about purity was sucking the fun out of life. Do your own thing, throw off the shackles of decency, answer to no one. It was a grand experiment – and the results are in.