Speaking the Truth in Love

Sermons by Marco Arroyo (Page 28)

Running, The Story of Jonah

We are all running, sometimes in our lives we run away from God.  It may not be physical like Jonah tried to do, but it is always spiritual.  Are you running from God?  Is there something in your life that you are running from that God needs you to do, don’t run anymore.

Abandoning Evangelism (am)

There are things in life, there are things in Christianity that can be considered an extra curricular activity.  Sadly, there is one area of Christianity that gets treated like an extra curricular activity but it is anything but that – Evangelism.

The God Who Gives (am)

Has someone ever given you something or been generous with you in some way?  There has been no one who has been more generous with us than God.  In Psalm 100 the Psalmist is writing about God and what God has given us.  Lets notice the 5 things God has given the Psalmist.