Be faithful because God is going to exceed expectations one way or another. Which side of those expectations do you want to be on?
Our hope is active in our daily lives. When the bible talks about God “keeping us” it is really talking about keeping us faithful.
It’s not just about growing in knowledge of Gods will to know what is right, but it is growing in Gods will to do what is right and its that exact idea that is going to enable Elisha to do the amazing things he does.
Jonah ch 4 Vs 1 says “it displeased Jonah exceedingly and he became angry.” There is a moment here when the people repent and Jonah misses the point. But why?
Jesus desired many things in his life. Before his arrest, Jesus in the the garden deep in prayer. What is it that Jesus desired? What is he praying for?
We have studied Jonah ch. 1 where Jonah runs away from God. Ch. 2 we studied how Jonah repents and runs back to God. In ch. 3 we will see that Jonah runs with God.
God made the world and everything in it Genesis 1:1. God also made is, but we “scheme” against God. There is good news, God made a way.
After being in the belly of a large fish, Jonah runs back to God. What does repentance really look like?