Usually, we think of Eve as a wife – Adam and Eve. And she was a wife, the first wife ever. But she was also a mom, and again, the first ever.
Usually, we think of Eve as a wife – Adam and Eve. And she was a wife, the first wife ever. But she was also a mom, and again, the first ever.
In the pages of the New Testament, we can read amazing accounts of divine healing. Is the Lord still gifting the church with the power to lay hands on the sick and make them instantly healthy?
Why do some churches baptize infants? Underlying this practice is a belief in “original sin.” Adam’s sin is thought to be inherited at conception. Does the Bible really teach that?
This presentation consists of short messages delivered by four of our teenagers, speeches originally given at the Lads to Leaders convention last weekend.
Our graduates are becoming young adults. They have freedom now – freedom to make choices for themselves. Will they choose to live by faith in God’s Son? The answer to this question depends on the answer to another question (John 21:15-17).
Is it arrogant to teach that there is one God, one Savior, one book? Then why would it be arrogant to teach what the Bible plainly says about the church?
Jesus tells us to deny ourselves and take up our cross. And if we accept his challenge, will we suffer for it?
In his book “The God Delusion,” Richard Dawkins says that teaching children to revere the Bible and love God is abusive and therefore should be criminalized. How do we answer that?
Jesus invites us to carry a cross for his sake. But that sounds painful. And in times of acute stress, our natural impulse is to run. Even Jesus himself longed to escape the cross.
Jesus invites his followers to carry the cross. But its pain may produce an angry response.