False teachers try to put one hand over our eyes and the other hand in our pocket. But we don’t have to be taken in.
False teachers try to put one hand over our eyes and the other hand in our pocket. But we don’t have to be taken in.
Sometimes there’s a difference between what we think we should do and what we actually want to do. We think the church should grow and that we should do something to help that happen. But some potential converts make us feel anxious.
Legalists in Galatia were teaching the church that salvation depended on observance of the Law of Moses. It was a message different from what Paul had preached there. But it wasn’t really a “gospel” at all. It wasn’t good news.
Jesus has commanded us to make disciples of all nations. Unless the church’s mission is global, then we haven’t really honored his purpose for our lives.
God became flesh and lived among the men and women of first century Israel. But liars in the church denied Christ’s humanity. Why would they do that?
The population of the U.S. is aging. The church is turning gray, too. As we get older, we tend to wonder if we have outlived our usefulness. Why doesn’t God just take us? The story of the prophetess Anna gives us an uplifting answer.
Jeremiah denounced the men of his day who gave the rebellious people of Judah false hope. What do these false prophets have in common with the false teachers of our own time?
The year 2020 lies ahead of us like a fresh blanket of untrampled snow. But are we already spoiling its beauty by dragging along the rotting corpse of past resentment?
In Psalm 8, David marvels at God’s majestic power displayed in creation. The vast heavens make him feel so insignificant. But is it true that men and women are too small to matter?
The story of Christ’s conception and birth becomes familiar even in the Sunday school nursery. But as we mature, we wonder why Jesus was born.