he final section of Acts presents Paul as a prisoner for Jesus. But he is no victim of painful circumstances. On the contrary, he seems the master of the events unfolding around him. What is the secret of his confidence (Acts 23:6)?
he final section of Acts presents Paul as a prisoner for Jesus. But he is no victim of painful circumstances. On the contrary, he seems the master of the events unfolding around him. What is the secret of his confidence (Acts 23:6)?
My Good Conscience Ephesians 4:17-24 17 This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of[d] the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, 18 having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because…
Dealing With Difficult People Psalm 52:1-9 1 Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man? The goodness of God endures continually. 2 Your tongue devises destruction, Like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. 3 You love evil more than good, Lying rather than speaking righteousness. Selah 4 You love all devouring words, You deceitful tongue.…
Dust in the Air John 16:1-4 These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. 3 And these things they will do to you[a]…
In The Temple November 15, 2015 (a.m. service)
Wasn’t There Another Way? November 15, 2015 (p.m. service)
The Lord told Paul in a night vision that he had “many people” in Corinth (Acts 18:10). But were the immoral Corinthians really looking for God?
God expects the father to take primary responsibility for training his children (Eph. 6:1-4). But what is he to teach them?
Speaking to the elite Areopagus court, Paul says that God doesn’t overlook ignorance (Acts 17:30-31). But how is that fair to people in countries where the name of Jesus is unknown
How is a Christian woman supposed to deal with a husband who rejects the Lord and cuts down the church? This question is as old as the first century (1 Pet. 3:1-6).