The Philippian church seems to have been plagued by selfishness and pride. Paul addressed the issue by reminding the congregation of Christ’s humble mindset (Phil. 2:5-11).
The Philippian church seems to have been plagued by selfishness and pride. Paul addressed the issue by reminding the congregation of Christ’s humble mindset (Phil. 2:5-11).
In ancient Israel there were six cities of refuge (Josh. 20:7-8). If a man accidentally killed his neighbor, he could escape to one of these places and find protection. These cities make us think of the church.
A loving congregation is warm and welcoming. No doubt, this is one reason why the Bible describes the church in family terms. God’s people have an open door and an open heart (Col. 3:11-14).
Paul was in a Roman dungeon. Soon he would be executed. So he wrote a letter to his young friend Timothy and encouraged him to remain strong in spite of the persecution threatening the church. In the postscript of that letter, Paul made his final request.
Many people feel like outsiders watching a party through the window. They don’t have pleasant childhood memories. They don’t like their jobs. And they don’t feel loved by their own spouses. Does anyone really care?
Paul was a prisoner in Rome. On death row he wrote a final letter to Timothy, his young friend and coworker. And what was his word of encouragement? “Do the work of an evangelist” (2 Tim. 4:5).
Have you ever yearned to belong to a good family? Jesus has some great news for you. His church is inclusive. Whoever does the will of the heavenly Father is his brother, sister, or mother (Matt. 12:46-50).
Many students plan to forget subjects that bore them as soon as they graduate. And that may turn out to be no big deal. But Paul urged his young friend Timothy to continue in what he had learned in the sacred writings known to him since childhood (2 Tim. 3:10-17).
In his first vision, Isaiah saw the divine King of Israel on his glorious throne (Isa. 6:1-10). The prophet’s magnificent experience shows us what happens in truly spiritual worship.
Nikolas Cruz has been charged with murdering 17 people at the Douglas High School on Valentine’s Day. In media and political circles, people are arguing (as usual) about making laws aimed at preventing shootings. But the real problem isn’t legal or political. It is spiritual. And every Christian family can do something about it.