Skeptics want to know why we believe in biblical miracle stories, like the account of the talking donkey (Num. 22:28-30). Are Christians mindless idiots, or do skeptics have a dirty little secret?
Skeptics want to know why we believe in biblical miracle stories, like the account of the talking donkey (Num. 22:28-30). Are Christians mindless idiots, or do skeptics have a dirty little secret?
Many young people (and older people too) reject Christ because they see hypocrisy in the church. But does the church have a corner on the hypocrisy market? Can hypocrisy be escaped simply by avoiding the church?
Young unbelievers mock the division in the Christian community. Since church-goers are hopelessly divided, why shouldn’t they conclude that the Lord’s teaching produces nothing but confusion?
Why do Christian parents insist on teaching their children to follow Jesus? Why don’t they leave their kids alone and let them make up their own minds about God and morality?
In school evolution is presented as fact. But it isn’t. Evolution is a theory, a theory contradicted by the Bible (Gen. 1:1-31), scientific evidence, and common sense.
Teenagers hostile to biblical faith want to know why Christians are so hateful. This accusing question is the result of “gay rights” propaganda.