The church can’t grow unless we take up the cross and carry it. If that sounds painful to us, we’re on to something.
The church can’t grow unless we take up the cross and carry it. If that sounds painful to us, we’re on to something.
James and John wanted to call down fire and burn up a Samaritan village that rejected Jesus. But their bad attitude was inconsistent with the church’s mission.
Jesus expects the church to grow, and he wants us to promote that growth in every way possible. But do we have to welcome people who get on our nerves?
When a wealthy person visits the assembly, we warmly welcome him. He could really help the church. But why are we tempted to give a poor man the cold shoulder?
Peter wanted the church to grow, but preaching the gospel in the home of Cornelius made him feel extremely uncomfortable.
Sometimes there’s a difference between what we think we should do and what we actually want to do. We think the church should grow and that we should do something to help that happen. But some potential converts make us feel anxious.