In his address to Agrippa and the other dignitaries in the audience hall, Paul gave a clear and meaningful definition of repentance (Acts 26:16-18).
In his address to Agrippa and the other dignitaries in the audience hall, Paul gave a clear and meaningful definition of repentance (Acts 26:16-18).
In the presence of Felix and Drusilla, Paul reasoned about “justice and self-control and future judgment” (Acts 24:25). Are we really following Christ if we are too timid to speak the truth in awkward circumstances?
The Lord told Paul in a night vision that he had “many people” in Corinth (Acts 18:10). But were the immoral Corinthians really looking for God?
Speaking to the elite Areopagus court, Paul says that God doesn’t overlook ignorance (Acts 17:30-31). But how is that fair to people in countries where the name of Jesus is unknown
The Athenians worshiped so many gods that they couldn’t keep track of them all. In his Areopagus address (Acts 17:22-31), Paul introduced his audience to the real God.
The Thessalonian Jews fiercely opposed Paul’s preaching, but the Bereans were more open-minded (Acts 17:10-15).