People have some funny ideas about baptism. It’s just a symbol. Nothing really happens when a person is baptized. But the apostle Paul seems to say otherwise (Rom. 6:3-4).
People have some funny ideas about baptism. It’s just a symbol. Nothing really happens when a person is baptized. But the apostle Paul seems to say otherwise (Rom. 6:3-4).
Heaven is a splendid promise. But we won’t experience its glory and blessings unless we change (Rom. 2:4).
What we believe has a profound impact on our lives. Believing a lie or refusing to believe something true can have devastating consequences. Paul says that to be saved a person must believe in his heart that God raised his Son from the dead (Rom. 10:9-10).
If someone says, “Have you heard the news?” your first reaction may be a tightening of the stomach. The headlines are almost always bad. But God has some wonderful news for us (Rom. 10:13-17).
It’s easy to see that our failures hurt others. People hurt us, and we hurt them. But why does the Bible say that our failings offend God (Rom. 3:23)?