Jesus is known for saying things that seem all wrong at first glance. The concluding line of the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is an important example.
Jesus is known for saying things that seem all wrong at first glance. The concluding line of the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector is an important example.
Jesus tells us to deny ourselves and take up our cross. And if we accept his challenge, will we suffer for it?
Jesus invites us to take up our cross daily and follow him (Luke 9:23-24). But what does he mean?
On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down the controversial Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. But a growing number of Americans now think that abortion on demand is immoral. How can we persuade even more people to see abortion for what it really is?
The heavenly Father is the God of second chances. But what if I die lost? After entering the realm of departed spirits, will I have the opportunity to reverse my earthly choices?
It felt like the worst day in their lives. Cleopas and his companion walked along the road to Emmaus, discussing the cross and looking sad. And then Jesus himself joined the two disciples (Luke 24:13-35)
The American church is in trouble. Fewer and fewer people are reading the scriptures and searching for God. Why? Maybe the church has forgotten its reason for existence.
The best-known parable of Jesus tells of a foolish Jewish boy who wastes his father’s wealth and suffers the degradation of tending hogs on a Gentile’s farm (Luke 15:11-20). This story conveys important truths about sin – and how to find forgiveness.
Mary of Nazareth has always been misunderstood. The people of Nazareth thought she was a tramp. One billion church-goers see her as a demigod. She was neither. Mary was a young woman of beautiful but simple faith (Luke 1:26-38).
In ancient Israel a farmer draped a bag of seed over his shoulder and walked through the field, scattering it on the ground. Naturally, the seed fell on different soil types. Jesus compared soil to the human heart (Luke 8:4-15).