Usually, we think of Eve as a wife – Adam and Eve. And she was a wife, the first wife ever. But she was also a mom, and again, the first ever.
Usually, we think of Eve as a wife – Adam and Eve. And she was a wife, the first wife ever. But she was also a mom, and again, the first ever.
In the second chapter of his book “The God Delusion,” Richard Dawkins charges the God of the Old Testament with monstrous wrongs. His argument is: “Since I hate your God, you shouldn’t believe in him.” Oh really?
The number of singles in the U.S. has risen sharply in the last few decades, and lots of people aren’t happy about it. If you want to get married, the story of Isaac and Rebekah’s courtship deserves a long look (Gen. 24:1-67).
Abraham is the father of all believers (Gal. 3:29). But his influence as a spiritual leader mustn’t make us overlook his exceptional example as a parent.
In school evolution is presented as fact. But it isn’t. Evolution is a theory, a theory contradicted by the Bible (Gen. 1:1-31), scientific evidence, and common sense.
Satanists claim that the account of the serpent (Gen. 3:1-5) misrepresents the devil. But their attack on God validates the biblical record.
Evolutionists maintain that dinosaurs died 65 million years ago. Is this claim really supported by scientific fact? And what does the Bible say (Gen. 1:20-31)?