We determined that Jesus is the big rock and we are little rocks being built upon the big rock – Jesus is the chief cornerstone and we have been built by God.
We determined that Jesus is the big rock and we are little rocks being built upon the big rock – Jesus is the chief cornerstone and we have been built by God.
Peter says that men and women born again have a “living hope” (1 Pet. 1:3). That hope defines our life in Christ. But what is it based on?
People tend to dismiss the devil as a joke, a cartoon character, or a figment of religious imagination. Not very smart. Satan is a fierce predator, and we can’t resist him if we don’t take him seriously.
Peter encourages the elders of the church to think like shepherds. What did he mean?
Peter says that “the righteous is scarcely saved” (1 Pet. 4:18). Does he mean that a committed Christian has little chance of actually making it to heaven? Absolutely not!
In the United States, hostility to Christian faith is mounting. The church is in for a fight. But our weapons aren’t worldly, and the struggle itself will be blessed. Yes, you read that right.
The Bible says that husbands should live with their wives in an understanding way (1 Pet. 3:7). But how is that possible? Most men find female behavior baffling.
A committed Christian wife has a broken heart if her husband has no interest in following Jesus. What can she do to win his heart?
In the United States, contempt for the law is growing. Police officers are pigs, and politicians are – well – some things are unprintable. Is this behavior something that Christians should participate in?
A feeling of worthlessness is infecting the heart of the American people, and Christians aren’t exempt from it. But Peter has an uplifting message for the church.