No rocket scientist is needed here to explain that we are living in challenging times. Many of us are not accustomed to adversity, at least not openly. Human nature, for the most part, is to prefer for things running smoothly, no hitches, no glitches. Roll with the flow, but some things are beyond our control. No, no one enjoys difficult times. Yet, ultimately, they can have some positive effect. By choice, that positive effect should be maximized for the greater good of the heavenly kingdom. God can help us through difficuJt times to become stronger and more effective in our service for him. In times-like these may we remember to look to God for strength. While we at times may be weak, our Heavenly Father is an awesome God of power. One of the wonderful things about our Creator is that He not only knows how to majestically utilize His power, but He has the capacity and willingness to share power with us his creatures. Paul closes his p-rayer in Ephesians chapter three with an expression that glory might be” … unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us … ” (vs. 20, KJV). Since we have been re–created and redeemed by the blood of Christ, we know something personally about the power of God. God’s power transcends all other power in the universe. The familiar lyrics ” … the arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own” penned by George Duffield in the midnineteenth century admonish us against relying on our own personal strength as we often seek to do. Let’s make a stronger connection to the source of the greatest power. Tim Childs via Chapman Church of Christ Ripley, MS