In Psalm 19:7-11, we can read of some of the incredible aspects of God’s word: “The law of the LORDl is perfect2, converting the soul3; The testimony of the LORD is sure4, making wise the simples; The statutes of the LORD are right6, rejoicing the heart7; The commandment of the LORD is pure8, enlightening the eyes9; The fear of the LORD is clean 10, enduring foreverll; The judgments of the LORD are true12 and righteous13 altogether. M·ore to be desired are they than gold 14, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honeylS and the honeycomb. Moreover, by them You-r servant is warned 16, And, in keeping them there is great rewardl7.” 1) It is from the-LORD – God has given us His holy word. 2) It is perfect – there- are no errors or flaws in it whatsoever. 3) It brings the words of salvation – in it we can I-earn how to be saved . 4) It is sure – it is fixed and will n_ever change. 5) It brings wisdom – it helps us to be of sound mind. 6) It is right – it will never lead us down the path. 7) It brings joy-it can delight our hearts to the fullest extent. 8) It is pure – it is unpolluted from the influence of the world. 9) It brings enlightenment – it puts everything into proper perspective. 10) It is clean – it is uncontaminated from men’s opinions. 11) It is eternal – it will never perish or fade away. 12) It is tru-e – there is not even a hint of falsehood in it. 13) It is righteous – and it is where we learn how to live righteously. 14) It is precious – the treasures found in it are priceless. 15) It is sweet – it tastes wonderful to our soul. 16) It is instructional – it warns us of the consequence of not obeying it. • 17) It is rewarding – it reveals blessings that come from following it. Maybe we should spend a little (or a lot) more time in it. What do you think? Edd Sterchi Broadway Church of Christ Campbellsville, KY