Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.
-Romans 15:5-7
The Family Circle is comprised of individuals ranging in age, marital status, career paths, and family. Included in our Family circle are college students, young adults starting their families and careers, newlyweds and those who are engaged to be married, older adults with established families and careers, single individuals, and those who want to fellowship with other like minded Christians. The goal of the Family Circle is to encompass individuals who have a desire to build, or continue building their lives and families with a commitment to Christ, and service to the Church and our community. Nestled within the Family Circle is our “Home and Family” bible class, which meets every Sunday morning. Topics include, Servant Leadership, What Our Kids Teach Us, 30 Day Bible Challenge in the book of John, What Stones Are You Holding, Video study of the book of Matthew, The Five Love Languages, and much more. Service projects include hosting luncheons, dinners, and fellowships throughout the year, donating to those less fortunate in our community, reaching out to those who are ill or sick of our congregation, as well as creating and hosting programs for our young children. The Family Circle is also committed to evangelism through our visitation program including sending cards, making phone calls, and visiting those who need our encouragement. We are also committed to making Saturday visitations.
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