Saturday (8/15/2015). Free Market. The annex will be open to the community from 8:00-11:00 a.m. Neighbors will be invited to drop by and shop for free. Madonna Ayers is project coordinator. Please donate new or used items that you no longer want or need. All items (furniture, appliances, dishes, books, clothing, toys, etc.) should be in good and working condition. Please bring donations to the annex from Sunday to Friday (Aug. 9-14) and place them on the tables that will be set up in the gym. You will be responsible for unloading your own items. It will be best to bring your donations to the annex at worship times that week. But the church staff will open the annex during office hours too.
School supplies will also be given away at our Free Market. Elaine Creamer is project coordinator. Please pick up a list of school supplies, purchase the items, and place them in the box in the main foyer.
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