Quarterly Potluck Fellowship 4/24/16 04/24/2016 Jason Turner Announcements, Uncategorized Quarterly Potluck Fellowship 4/24/16
Ladies Retreat 2/26-2/28 in Clifton,Texas. 01/08/2016 Jason Turner Announcements, Uncategorized Attention ladies that are going on our Ladies retreat, your next payment for deposit of $35 is due this Sunday 1/10 payable to Connie or Leslie Robertson. Then balance of $70 due 2/14. Dates again are 2/26-2/28 in Clifton,Texas.
Nov 8th passing out invitations 10/25/2015 Jason Turner Uncategorized Meet at the church at 4:00 pm on Nov 8th to help pass out invitations to the pancake breakfast.
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