Speaking the Truth in Love

Member Spotlight (Page 5)

Questions Sincere Muslims Ask – In Islam the man is superior to his wife. She must submit herself to him. Women have less rights. What does Jesus say about this?

In the beginning God created both man and woman in his own image (Gen. 1:26-27). Eve was Adam’s companion, lover, and equal. She was made from his rib. As many people have noted, Eve wasn’t taken from Adam’s skull. She isn’t to rule over him. She wasn’t taken from his foot. He isn’t to trample…

Questions Sincere Muslims Ask – The Torah says that men should be circumcised. In Islam both men and women are circumcised. Why this difference?

Circumcision was a “sign of the covenant” God made with Abraham (Gen. 17:11). The Lord had promised to make his descendants as numerous as the stars (15:5). Circumcision was a physical mark on that part of the male body most closely associated with fathering children (and therefore served as a continuing reminder of God’s fulfilled…

Questions Sincere Muslims Ask – Muslim women can’t fast, pray, or even read the Quran if menstruating. Did Muhammad get this idea from the cleansing rituals in the Torah?

The cleansing rituals in the Old Testament served more than one purpose. Ritual cleansing mirrored the expected purity of the heart. After committing adultery with Bathsheba, David prayed: “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. […] Create in me a clean heart, O God,…

Questions Sincere Muslims Ask – According to Islamic teaching, the Torah and the Gospels confirm the Quran. When were the Gospels written?

According to Islamic teaching, the Torah and the Gospels confirm the Quran. When were the Gospels written? The story of Jesus didn’t become the “gospel,” the good news, until after the resurrection. If he had only died and been buried, his experience couldn’t transform the lives of his followers. But because his tomb is empty,…