Speaking the Truth in Love

Member Spotlight

Donna Ritchie

Donna is originally from Texas.   She has been here all of her life except for the 5 years she lived in Oceanside, California.  She was born in Kaufman and Raised in Seagoville. “Seagoville was a very small town when I grew up here. Everybody knew everybody, and everybody’s mother knew each other, so we felt…

Marco and Maggie Arroyo

Meet our new Preacher Marco Arroyo Marco was raised in Los Angeles, California, where he heard the gospel while in high school. A few months after he became a Christian, he preached his first sermon and knew instantly that his life was meant to be given to the preaching of the gospel. After high school,…

Questions God Asks – Should She Not Be Shamed?

Miriam envies her younger brother. Who does Moses think he is? Why has he assumed leadership of the nation of Israel? Her brother’s second marriage gives Miriam an opportunity to complain and criticize. Apparently, Zipporah (Moses’ Midianite wife) is dead. Miriam’s new sister-in-law is a Cushite. Does Miriam resent the woman because of her dark…