SUMMER BIBLE READING CHALLENGE You are challenged to read Esther, Ruth, and Job from June – August. Just read two chapters a day and you will read through these books 3 times this summer!
SUMMER BIBLE READING CHALLENGE You are challenged to read Esther, Ruth, and Job from June – August. Just read two chapters a day and you will read through these books 3 times this summer!
June is fast approaching which means the beginning of the Summer teaching quarter. If you are interested in teaching a class this summer please see Jason Turner. If you are currently teaching a class and plan to take the summer off please let Jason know as soon as possible.
Mark your calendars, VBS is June 27th – July 1st.
Quarterly Potluck Fellowship 4/24/16
Lads to Leaders Fellowship 4/10/16
Very proud of our young children and out youth.
These young boys have been working hard to gain points in both the Time Travelers program as well as for Lads to Leaders. Because of their age, they will not be formally recognized at the Lads to Leaders program so we felt it appropriate to recognize them Sunday night. Here are a few of their…
Pictures from the Deacon’s Appreciation Dinner 3/5/2016
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