Speaking the Truth in Love

News (Page 3)

2018 Summer Adult Bible Class Schedule:

2018 Summer Adult y Bible Class Schedule: (Sunday mornings)  ROOM 1: JASON TURNER TOPIC: HEROES –  A biblical perspective on the term “hero” FELLOWSHIP ROOM: DAVID WRIGHT TOPIC:  “Can You Believe It?” “A Study of Christian Evidences.” AUDITORIUM: STEVE McCLELEN TOPIC: How Well Do You REALLY Know The Bible? (Part 2) ROOM 2: HESIKIAH WILLIAMSON…

Vacation Bible School

VBS is just around the corner. Take a trip to an archaeological dig with Professor Carver Stone; his daughter, Ella; his research assistant, Fiona; and her younger brother, Finn as they discover amazing treasures! These aren’t the treasures you would find in a museum; they’re more valuable than anything else ever unearthed. As you dig…

Thank You For Your Donations

With your help I was able to give Easter bags to 669 students and 78 faculty and staff. We gave away over 5,000 pieces of candy and 3,000 eggs. There are no words that can express how much I appreciate my brothers and sisters in Christ, for your help and your encouragement. I am so…