Speaking the Truth in Love

News (Page 2)

Dinner with Family

Dinner with Family meets every Wednesday evening from 5:30- 6:45. It’s okay if you are late . You are still welcome. Only $2 dollars for each person or $5 dollars for a family. Joyce and Paula want to especially encourage Christian men to come and lead the prayer before the meal! And if you cannot…

World Bible School Progress

World Bible School Progress During the month of January and February we sent over 500 Bible lessons from the Seagoville Church of Christ into the foreign countries of Zimbabwe, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Malawi; we give all Glory and Honor to our Lord Jesus Christ. We want to thank all of our WBS teacher’s for…

Dinner with Family

Dinner with Family meets every Wednesday evening from 5:30- 6:45. It’s okay if you are late . You are still welcome. Only $2 dollars for each person or $5 dollars for a family. Joyce and Paula want to especially encourage Christian men to come and lead the prayer before the meal! And if you cannot…