Speaking the Truth in Love


Spring Teaching Quarter

The Spring Teaching Quarter begins Sunday March 1st.  On Sunday mornings, the adult classes will be as follows: Hesikiah will teach in room 2. Steve will teach in the fellowship room, and David will teach in the auditorium.  No classes will meet in room 1 on Sunday mornings.

Winter Teaching Quarter

The Winter quarter begins next Sunday December 1st.  The adult classes will rotate as follows: Jason will be in room 1 with the topic:  “The Bible in 7 Passages” David will be in the fellowship room with the topic:  “Right in Our Own Eyes: A Study of the Judges” Steve will be in the Auditorium…

Dinner with Family

Dinner with Family meets every Wednesday evening from 5:30- 6:45. It’s okay if you are late . You are still welcome. Only $2 dollars for each person or $5 dollars for a family. Joyce and Paula want to especially encourage Christian men to come and lead the prayer before the meal! And if you cannot…