November 15th 2023
The Roundhouse “Host” Teams are listed below. See Scott Jackson with any questions.
The Spring Teaching Quarter begins Sunday March 1st. On Sunday mornings, the adult classes will be as follows: Hesikiah will teach in room 2. Steve will teach in the fellowship room, and David will teach in the auditorium. No classes will meet in room 1 on Sunday mornings.
The Winter quarter begins next Sunday December 1st. The adult classes will rotate as follows: Jason will be in room 1 with the topic: “The Bible in 7 Passages” David will be in the fellowship room with the topic: “Right in Our Own Eyes: A Study of the Judges” Steve will be in the Auditorium…
Dinner with Family meets every Wednesday evening from 5:30- 6:45. It’s okay if you are late . You are still welcome. Only $2 dollars for each person or $5 dollars for a family. Joyce and Paula want to especially encourage Christian men to come and lead the prayer before the meal! And if you cannot…
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