Speaking the Truth in Love

Evangelism (Page 2)


Save a Soul From Death

Our mission as Christ’s church echoes steadily in our ears from the lips of Jesus, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16.15). We know that Jesus is coming back with flaming fire and will take vengeance on those who did not obey the gospel (II Thess. 1.8). It…

Numbers don’t lie: How to grow the Kingdom

Numbers don’t lie: How to grow the Kingdom When it comes to asking people for Bible studies, this will take time to become a habit, and to become comfortable with doing this in practice. But when you are talking to a friend, family member, someone known, someone at a cub scout meeting, a waitress serving…

Shepherd Style Evangelism

The world has been changed by shepherds… They shared their experience. They told everyone they met, they couldn’t stop talking about Jesus and what God had done for them: “When they had seen Him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this Child” (Luke 2.17). Question: Are we sharing Jesus with those…

Why People Do Not Understand the Bible

People know more about more things than ever before. Technology. Art. Health. Business. Music. Ecology. Accounting. Fitness. Relationships. Architecture. History. Math. Physics. Botany. Computers. Engineering. Film. Medicine. Economics. Genetics. People know less about the Bible than their great grandparents who followed a plow around a field for twelve hours a day. Why? Is the Bible…