Speaking the Truth in Love

Church Blog (Page 40)

How Do I Look?

On Halloween a small boy tramps the streets dressed as ugly as mom will allow. A hideous zombie mask is particularly appealing. But a little girl wants to dress up like a princess. Deep in her heart is a longing to be beautiful. Grown women want to be beautiful too, and there’s no shame in…

Are You Holding to Your Faith?

Good education includes testing. Teachers regularly give exams covering the material presented in class. Occasionally, they distribute standardized tests measuring overall academic progress. God has an examination of his own. The final test is to be given on the day of judgment. In anticipation of that great event, we are wise to prepare, to ask…

He Went Out

On the eve of the crucifixion, Jesus eats a meal with his disciples. Fixing a troubled gaze on these 12 close friends, the Lord says, “One of you will betray me” (John 13:21). Filled with anxiety, the disciples begin to ask themselves who could do such a thing. Following Peter’s signaled suggestion, John quietly asks,…

Grace and Judgment

In Christ Jesus we are “a new creation; the old has passed away” (2 Cor. 5:17). We are forgiven fully. The Lord even wants us to be free of the guilty feelings that may haunt us. Why, then, must a Christian give an account of himself on the day of judgment? Paul says that “we…

Get Rich Quick

TV commercials promising easy money are amusing. These advertisements assure gullible viewers that they can earn a comfortable living while sitting on their hands: “To learn more, just call the toll-free number at the bottom of your screen.” Call that number, and you may be duped into buying a “starter’s kit” costing only $495.95. Yes,…

Freedom to Choose?

God gave our first parents freedom of choice. In the tropical paradise of Eden, they were permitted to decide for themselves whether to heed the divine warning concerning the forbidden tree. This freedom to choose between right and wrong has come down to all the children of Adam and Eve. Some choices, though, lie beyond…

Enemies of God’s People

The Old Testament depicts a seemingly endless enmity between the Israelites and the Philistines. For instance, the book of Judges tells of Shamgar, a man who delivers Israel by killing “six hundred of the Philistines with an oxgoad” (3:31). The far more familiar story of Samson’s struggle with the Philistines is recorded in the same…

Embarrassing but True

The Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was approaching. James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas (the Lord’s half-brothers) invited Jesus to accompany them to Jerusalem. There he could prove himself to the people. ”If you do these things,” they said, “show yourself to the world” (John 7:4). The skepticism implied in their challenge was confirmed by the author…

Divorce and Remarriage Questions

A permissive attitude concerning divorce and remarriage has beaten the American family to its knees. Adults bounce from one disastrous marriage to another, and innocent children suffer the consequent instability and abandonment. The church must guard against contributing to the confusion and hold firmly to the biblical principles that govern marriage. Below are two common…

The Dignity of Man

On February 12, 2009, Kyle Butt and Dan Barker met to debate the existence of God. In his closing remarks, Mr. Barker gave an analogy intended to show the superiority of the atheist’s view of mankind. Imagine, he said, that a person is charged with a crime and imprisoned. After some years the governor pardons…