Speaking the Truth in Love

Posts by Various Authors

The Gospel

The word “gospel” means “good news.” It has well been said that the gospel is the good news about Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection (1 -or. 15: 1-4 ). And while that is true, the gospel is so much more. Because of the resurrection of Jesus, His triumph over death, the gospel is … Glorious…

Plant the Right Seeds

Seed planting time is upon us. The gardener/farfTler knows the importance of planting the right seeds at the right time. For the Christian, planting the right seeds makes all the difference, as well. I found a list of what we reap if we plant certain things in our lives. I have adapted and expanded it…

Every Good Gift

A poor man was given a loaf of bread. He thanked the baker, but the baker said. “Don’t thank me. Thank the miller who made the .. flour.” So he thanked the miller, but the miller said, “Don’t thank me. Thank the farmer who planted the wheat.” So he thanked the farmer, but the farmer…

Worse Before it Gets Better

Stand!ng up for what’s right can make things worse before they get >etter. Like when Moses went to Pharaoh and said it was time to let the people -go. I’m sure the enslaved Israelites were thrilled that someone was sticking up for them. But not for long. Pharaoh’s response was to make their slave labor…

Listen and Believe

Happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Word” (Psalms 119:1). “How can a young (person) keep his way pure? by guarding it with God’s word” (Psalms 119:9). “Receive with meekness the implanted word of God and it will save your soul” (James 1 :21 ). “Faith comes by…

What Bank Do You Use?

Matthew 6:1-9-24 Where do you store your money on earth? Do you prefer a place-where you know your money is secure? or-one where your possessions are always in danger? 1. Jesus warned not to bank on earth (Matthew 6: 19). 2. Earthly bank deposits are: Material goods-(2 Kings 5:22) Money (Matt. 6:24) -Time -Fame 3.…

Why So Gloomy?

Our world is full of sadness and sorrow. Death comes and takes our loved ones. Financial troubles wreck our future plans. Sickness robs us of the idyllic scene we had envisioned for our lives. If we are not disciplined, we let these rob us of a happy life. Jesus knew life would be hard on…

Do You Love Jesus?

Love is essential for one to be a Christian. So if we are to be a “good” (faithful) Christian then w_e must l~ve Jesus. Jesus said that loving God with all our hearts Is more important than any other commandment (Matthew 22:37-38). Yes, it’s even more important than faith (1 Cor. 13:13). • Jlany claim…

Good Exercise

Did you get your exercise today? What if we would walk with the Lord? Walking with the Lord in the Bible means living for the Lord daily. Second Corinthians 4: 16 reminds us to be renewed day by day. We do this by: I. Every day let God-say something to you (Psalm 119: 11, 105;…

Psalm 119:97

There’s an old adage that says, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” That may hold true in some situations, but not when you’re –discussin-g the law of God. Familiarity breeds love. It was – because of the psalmist’s daily and day-long contemplation of God’s word that he could exclaim, “O how I love Your law!” And, in turn,…