We need wisdom from God to help us on our journey from
earth to heaven.
Students in school have to learn to memorize if they hope
to excel. Whether it is the symbols of the elements in chemis-
try, the names of the bones in the human body, or the chrono-
logical sequence of Shakespeare’s 23 plays, students learn huge
amounts of information to pass exams.
It is a good thing God gave us such large-capacity brains. We
not only store the information we study, but we also keep it in
order and can recall it when we need it. Our brains can store
enough information to fill several million books.
Shane Parrish (fs.blog/newsletter/) wrote, “The best way to
understand what you are reading is to make the idea your own.
This means following the idea back to its origin, and rediscov-
ering it for yourself.
“Mathematicians often say that to understand something
you must first read it, then write it down in your own words,
then teach it to someone else. Everyone has a different set of
tools and a different level of ‘chunking up’ complicated ideas.
Make the idea fit in with your own perspective and experience.
“The best way to read quickly is to read lots. And lots. And to
have started a long time ago.”
“I love Your commandments more than gold, yes, than fine gold.”
PSALM 119:127