Speaking the Truth in Love

Posts from January 2025

Do You Love Jesus?

Love is essential for one to be a Christian. So if we are to be a “good” (faithful) Christian then w_e must l~ve Jesus. Jesus said that loving God with all our hearts Is more important than any other commandment (Matthew 22:37-38). Yes, it’s even more important than faith (1 Cor. 13:13). • Jlany claim…

Good Exercise

Did you get your exercise today? What if we would walk with the Lord? Walking with the Lord in the Bible means living for the Lord daily. Second Corinthians 4: 16 reminds us to be renewed day by day. We do this by: I. Every day let God-say something to you (Psalm 119: 11, 105;…

Psalm 119:97

There’s an old adage that says, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” That may hold true in some situations, but not when you’re –discussin-g the law of God. Familiarity breeds love. It was – because of the psalmist’s daily and day-long contemplation of God’s word that he could exclaim, “O how I love Your law!” And, in turn,…